D-Day Ohio Staff

D-Day Conneaut began in 1999 when a small group of reenactors set out to "relive the day" of the Normandy invasion the beach at Conneaut Park. Initially, this was not a public event, though park visitors had the opportunity to watch the reenactment from the bluff overlooking the beach. Today D-Day Ohio's all volunteer staff works year around to make D-Day Conneaut the largest and most historically accurate D-Day Living History Reenactment in the country. Thank you to all our reenactors and volonteers that work so hard to make this event possible. All staff members are encouraged to review the staff and volunteer code of conduct regulations prior to participation at the event.

Board of Directors

Volunteer Coordination and Veteran Support

Event Support

U.S. Event Staff

Commonwealth Event Staff

German Event Staff

French Resistance Event Staff


Our Board of Directors

Betsy BashoreBoard Member
Chief Executive Officer

Betsy Bashore

A 40 year plus veteran of living history, Betsy has actively participated in event management for over 70 various living history events and is a frequent speaker at early 19th century living history conferences. Betsy has assisted with D-Day Conneaut since 2006. Captivated by the heroism of combat photographers in WWII and the impact of photography and motion picture art on the war effort, she recreates a WWII era photo lab at several events. Also interested in women's contributions in warfare, she frequently portrays a US army nurse.

Lori McLaughlinBoard Member
Chief Operating Officer

Lori McLaughlin

Owner/Operator of Biscotti's Restaurant, Conneaut, OH. As a supporter of the event since its inception, Lori has seen it evolve into the premier reenactment it is today. In 2009, she responded to a request for more local support and has since been managing an energetic group of local supporters involved in fundraising, marketing, procurement of goods, living history displays, and other various volunteer tasks needed by the organization. Having lived in Conneaut her entire life, she is a self-proclaimed cheerleader for the city and is involved with many community organizations serving on several local boards. Her community service was recently rewarded by being voted the Chamber of Commerce 2010 Citizen of the Year.

Brenda KitchenBoard Member
Assistant COO

Brenda Kitchen

Born and raised in Conneaut, Brenda moved to Columbus for 10 years out of high school. Deciding small town life was more her style she moved back home. She works for Home Depot and for the past 9 years has volunteer with D-Day Ohio.

Phillip BudzinskiPhillip Budzinski Board Member
Chief Financial Officer
1st Army S-6

Philip Budzinski has been reenacting since 1999 and has been passionate about history and World War 2 since a child. He started out with K Company, 16th Infantry Regiment (HRS); he has also portrayed 4th Armored working with the World War 2 Vehicle Museum and Learning Center of Hubbard, Ohio, and is one of the founding members of 1st Signal Company. For Conneaut, he is coordinating the Signal Communications in the Allied.

Karl RosenkranzBoard Member
German Representative and German Headquarters Executive Officer

Karl Rosenkranz

Rosey started reenacting at the age or 16 when he became a member of the Arizona Historical Association (AHA) in 1996. Horn in Phoenix, Arizona, Rosey started reenacting at the age of 16 when he became a member of the Arizona Historical Association (AHA) in 1996. He has been attending D-Day for over since 2014. A member of several different reenactment units across several eras of history. Additionally, he is a retired Naval Officer after 22 years of Active Duty. Qualified in both Enlisted Submarine Warfare and Surface Warfare Officer. As a member of the commemorative Air Force, he was a qualified HE-111 Flight Engineer and B-17 loadmaster and a current member.

Brian PacilliBoard Member

Brian Pacilli

Brian is a 25+ year veteran reenactor who has served on multiple command staffs in different roles over many years. His love of history comes from a long line of military service of both his and his families

Lee AdamsBoard Member
Amphibious Operations Coordinator

Lee Adams

Lee has been attending DDay Conneaut since 2009. His family has a great appreciation for historic military vehicles and WWII naval amphibious operations. Safely and efficiently partnering watercraft and naval personnel with beach assaults and the public is his contribution to a successful DDay reenactment. Working with fantastic and dedicated boat crews, beach personnel, and support staff for these goals makes this responsibility a pleasure. If it happens at DDay Conneaut between the dockside and the beach, that's where his team can help to keep history alive.

Scot BuffingtonBoard Member
Allied Commander
Allied Representative

Scot Buffington

Scot Buffington joined the Allied Staff at Conneaut 2019. He’s been involved in living history for over 35 years, in nearly every era of American military history. He hails from the 29th Division Living History Group. He describes his core philosophy as ‘to do one’s very best in his or her personal presentation. Read and teach. Walk the walk to the limits of one’s ability. Battles will always be the least authentic thing we do. The rest is real.’ He describes his involvement in living history as ‘the immersion in each time period is, in a way, veneration of the veterans themselves. When through personal experience one may relate to those gone before, it becomes authentic translation- from the oral histories, to the history books, to yourself, and then to the public.’

Besides living history, Scot worked on numerous films- from extra to combat choreographer, props and art department, costuming and technical advisory.

Scot is an instructor of history, frequently facilitating staff rides for active service personnel throughout the East Coast. Military logistics, problems of command and control, and staff resources management are focus area of his study.

Wayne HeimBoard Member
PR, Marketing, Event Photography & Webmaster

Wayne Heim

Wayne Heim joined D-Day Conneaut in 2009 and currently serves on the Board of Governors and involved with may different aspects of the event. Wayne is a certified medical illustrator and photographer with many years of experience in the advertising and marketing field. Wayne currently maintains the D-Day Ohio website, is our Primary PR contact, and is involved in coordination the production of the promotional materials for D-Day Conneaut and is one of the artists that produce the many art pieces. Wayne also works with Pete Lerro to manage Event Photography and often serves as one of the event photographers. After working as a staff photographer and managing the team for over 12 years, in 2022, Pete Lerro graciously agreed to join the leadership as the lead photographer and primary contact for the event photographers; allowing Wayne and his wife a bit of time and flexibily to eplore additional interests. Please contact Wayne or Pete with any commercial photography/video, media, or PR questions.

Tim MoellerBoard Member
Board Secretary

Tim Moeller

Tim has been attending D-Day Conneaut since 2014 with both the 101st Airborne, Baker Company and more recently as an officer with the 5th Rangers. The 5th Ranger Baker company is a unit comprised of 14–21-year-old young men who share the love of history and, because they are age appropriate, bring a level of realism to our living history presentations and reenactments. His son got him started in WWII history almost 10 years ago at Conneaut and it has become a passion to restore WWII equipment and teach the current generation what our greatest generation went through for us. Several uncles served in both the European and Pacific theaters and although the have passed on he still spends time talking with cousins who have some stories and relics of that age. Professionally he works in senior management for an international jewelry retailer managing corporate IT services throughout North America.

Jack SaboBoard Member
Communications and Safety Coordinator

Jack Sabo

Jack joined D-DAY Ohio for the 2013 event. He has lived most of his life in Northeast Ohio and parts of his family were life-long Conneaut residents. He is no stranger to Radio Communications and Public Safety. He started out as an Amateur Radio operator at the age of 10. His hobby turned into his career right out of High School as a Technician for a Motorola Service shop working in the Public Safety Field. He has spent the last 25 years in the communications industry. He is currently a Microwave Radio Subject Matter Expert for the global telecom manufacturer Ericsson. For most of his life, Jack has been an avid Kriegsmarine historian with an emphasis on the U-Boat service. For the event, if you have questions about Communications or are with Public Safety or Local Government, Jack will be the person to contact.

Volunteer Coordination and Veteran Support

Jeff KingVolunteer Coordinator

Jeff King

Jeff King began serving as a volunteer for D-Day Conneaut in 2010 as a member of Civil Air Patrol. Over the years he has served in various roles coordinating the volunteers for the event, specifically with the youth groups. His team serves to support the re-enactment and the reenactors for this event honoring those who have served. The website to register your group is http://ddayvolunteers.com. Contact information: jeffk@ddayohio.us

Event Support

Pete LerroLead Event Photographer

Pete Lerro

Pete Lerro is a working professional photographer and has been photographing reenactments and living history events for over 15 years. He first photographed D-Day Conneaut in 2016 as a guest photographer and in 2017 joined on as a staff photographer. He has a great passion for documentaries, history, and photography. Photographing living history events such as D-Day Conneaut allows him to combine these passions into one form of art. In 2022, Pete was asked to join Wayne and lead the staff photographer for the event. While working directly with Wayne to manage the staff, Pete will is the primary contact for photograhers assisting the media team.

Chris BartonePublic Safety Liaison

Chris Bartone

Chris is a lifelong Conneaut resident and has been a reenactor since 1995. He became involved with D-Day in 2001 and has been involved in some form for almost every year since then, including serving on the Board of Directors. Chris has nearly 20
years experience as a Firefighter/Paramedic and works for University Hospitals and the Conneaut Fire Department. He has a particular interest in medical impressions, having reenacted as a Civil War surgeon, a German sani, and most recently a British Royal Army Medical Corps officer.

Anne LutkenhouseUS Medic Reenactor Coordinator

Anne Lutkenhouse

Anne Lutkenhouse has been a living historian since 2008, specializing in the US Army Nurse Corps during the WWII era, 1941-1945. Her primary portrayals are ANC in Bataan and Corregidor , Philippines 1941-1942, the US ZOI, and ETO. This effort honors those groundbreaking nurses of WWII. She is a member of Army Ground Forces Association, the organization restoring, preserving and interpreting US Coast Artillery and its associated support units' history (Medical Department) at Fort Hancock, NJ. Honoring all WWII veterans is a passion, and she and her husband have traveled to the Normandy beaches in 2012 on an honor pilgrimage.

U.S. Event Staff

Scot BuffingtonBoard Member
Allied Commander

Scot Buffington

Scot Buffington joined the Allied Staff at Conneaut 2019. He's been involved in living history for over 35 years, in nearly every era of American military history. He hails from the 29th Division Living History Group. He describes his core philosophy as to do one's very best in his or her personal presentation. Read and teach. Walk the walk to the limits of one's ability. Battles will always be the least authentic thing we do. The rest is real. He describes his involvement in living history as the immersion in each time period is, in a way, veneration of the veterans themselves. When through personal experience one may relate to those gone before, it becomes authentic translation- from the oral histories, to the history books, to yourself, and then to the public.

Besides living history, Scot worked on numerous films- from extra to combat choreographer, props and art department, costuming and technical advisory.

Scot is an instructor of history, frequently facilitating staff rides for active service personnel throughout the East Coast. Military logistics, problems of command and control, and staff resources management are focus area of his study.

Christian SmithExecutive Officer (XO), First Army, United States Army

Christian Smith

Christian Smith joined the Allied Staff at Conneaut in 2019. He has been involved in living history for 40 years and WWII living history since 2000. He started WWII reenacting with the1sr DIV, 16th Infantry “K” company and first participated in D-Day Conneaut in 2002. He conducted the preservation of the M4a3 at the Rittman, Ohio legion post and has spent decades performing educational presentations for local schools and civic organizations. Christian is passionate about research and his favorite topic areas are the Bocage and armor in the ETO. He describes the importance of learning the details, mindset and intricacies of the actions and experiences of the WWII soldier as essential to honestly and honorably representing the soldier whose experiences reenactors represent to the public. And then there’s armor... the guts and perseverance of tankers in WWII ... their impressive level of teamwork and training, are a constant fascination and inspiration.

Alexander StoweSergeant Major

Alexander Stowe

Alex Stowe joined the Allied Staff in Conneaut in 2021. He's been involved in military living history since 2002, beginning with the American Civil War. He's organized and coordinated living history events at various National Park Battlefields on the East Coast. Currently his practice of history takes place in a Social Studies classroom in a small Catholic school in Upstate New York.

Lynn KesslerS1

Lynn Kessler

Lynn Kessler has been reenacting for nearly 20 years under various impressions: 29th Infantry Division, 101st Airborne, 1st Infantry Division, 26th Infantry "Yankee" Division, 43rd Infantry Division, 1st Marines, 23rd Marines, 2nd and 7th Bns/The Black Watch, King's Own Scottish Borderers, and a number of Civil War units, both Blue and Gray. He has studied U.S. military history, operations and tactics all his life, and has taught several reenacting units in the basics and better details of tactics, D&C, military courtesy, comportment, and leadership. Currently he wears several hats in the 29th Infantry Division, chief among them that of training, and also acts as Co-Editor for ReenactorPro.org.

Matthew SteinS2, Intelligence

Matthew Stein

Became a member of 1st Army’s staff serving as Battalion S-2 in 2021. Been involved in living history since 2006. Full time job is as an Active Duty Army Captain currently assigned to Army Sustainment Command at Rock Island Arsenal. All I ask is for all re-enactors to follow the guidance set forth by the 1st Army Staff and we will all have a great event. Looking forward to working with everyone.

Todd Morris S2, Intelligence

Todd Morris

Todd has been reenacting for over 30 years, primarily in CW and WW2. He brings with him a wealth of real world operations experience from the US Army and Law Enforcement. His desire to bring higher authenticity standards & realistic operations has brought him to the 1st Army Staff to ply his skills and provide a more immersive experience for everyone, 1 change at a time.

Phillip BudzinskiBoard Member
Chief Financial Officer
1st Army S-6

Phillip Budzinski

Philip Budzinski has been reenacting since 1999 and has been passionate about history and World War 2 since a child. He started out with K Company, 16th Infantry Regiment (HRS); he has also portrayed 4th Armored working with the World War 2 Vehicle Museum and Learning Center of Hubbard, Ohio, and is one of the founding members of 1st Signal Company. For Conneaut, he is coordinating the Signal Communications in the Allied.

John StillHeadquarters Company Commanding Officer/Ordnance Officer

John Still

John has been attending DDay since 2015 and began assisting with staff the following year. He has been reenacting for 15 years and currently has a wide variety of impressions. His focus has generally surrounded intelligence impressions but he also has a deep interest in using some of the vehicles he owns in the impressions he does. He is passionate about maintaining high standards for authenticity as a vehicle owner. If you don't see him with a vehicle, you're likely to find him around heavy ordnance.

Armor Event Staff

Rabbi RobArmor Commander

Rabbi Rob Thomas

Rabbi Rob is the Managing Director, Commander, and owner of WW2 Armor, and joined the D-Day staff as the Allied Armor Commander in 2019. Rabbi Rob began the collection and team at WW2 Armor approximately seven years ago, with the mission to preserve and share the history of the men and machines of the U.S. WWII armored units in the European Theater of Operations. Rabbi Rob is an ordained rabbi, a U.S. Navy veteran, investor, and technology executive.

Chris HaskellArmor Command Coordinator

Chris Haskell

Chris is the Vice President of Operations at WW2 Armor, and joined the D-Day staff as the Armor Command Coordinator in 2019. With a passion for WWII history and organizational management, he was brought onto the WW2 Armor staff under Rabbi Rob Thomas to oversee all operations for the growing armor collection and mobile museum. Chris has fervently led the WW2 Armor team’s continued successful growth in the collection’s restoration, maintenance, logistical, construction, and personnel efforts. He has served as the lead event coordinator for numerous large living history public events constantly increasing the authenticity and quality of the historical demonstrations put on by those in attendance. He fills up almost the entirety of his spare time watching WWII documentaries and movies, as well as reading a wealth of WWII tomes.

Mike HoukArmor Command S1

Mike Houk

Mike is a tank crewman and Chief of Staff at WW2 Armor, and joined the D-Day staff as the Armor Command S1 in 2021. He is a 23-year U.S. Army retiree with three deployments and a background in both (modern) armor and public affairs. Mike’s fondness of armor led him to his first WWII reenactment in 2016 as loader on a Tiger replica used in the movie Saving Private Ryan. In doing so, he discovered a profound respect for WWII veterans and an enduring interest in armor development in WWII. Soon after, he found himself a dedicated volunteer with WW2 Armor. Working his way to the position of Sergeant Major there, he collaborated with the WW2 Armor team to help integrate real-world Army processes and armor unit.

Erik AlbertsonArmor Command S3

Erik Albertson

Erik is the Cavalry Commander and Head of Training/Plans at WW2 Armor, and joined the D-Day staff as the head of armor/artillery plans and operations in 2019. He began his involvement in living history in 1997 as a horse cavalryman with the 7th U.S. Cavalry teaching and showcasing the operations and mounted skills of the horse cavalry. Erik is a 20-year U.S. Army retiree with a background in armor and cavalry with multiple deployments overseas. He began historic armor pursuits in 2016 on a Tiger 1 replica used in Saving Private Ryan and soon after with WW2 Armor where he serves as an Armor Historian and vehicle crewman/commander teaching the history of the U.S. armored, tank destroyer, artillery, and cavalry forces of WWII. He oversees the authentic training and maneuver operations of one of the premier historical armor organizations.

Greg AbramowitzArmor Command Ground Boss

Greg Abramowitz

Greg is the Artillery Commander and Ground Boss at WW2 Armor, and joined the D-Day staff as the overall armor and artillery Ground Boss in 2021. He has been involved in WWII living history for over 10 years, starting with 2nd Ranger Battalion, “F” Company in Florida in 2010. In 2016, Greg joined WW2 Armor as a tank destroyer crewman, and has since held positions as tank destroyer commander, artillery commander, and Ground Boss in order to further the organization’s mission of educating and preserving the memory of the men who served in the armored, artillery, and tank destroyer units across the European Theater during WWII.

Brian KegelUS Airborne Commander

Brian Kegel

Brian's been attending the D-Day Ohio event since 2001. He is a longtime living history enthusiast beginning in 1975 with the Bicentennial celebration. Inspired by his Uncle Bud, who served in the 501st PIR from Normandy through the end of the war, Brian focused his efforts and participation towards WWII reenacting in 2008. An amateur historian and heavy reader of history, he enjoys the opportunity to meet and talk with Veterans.

Charlie MooreProvisional Ranger Btn. Landing Team Commanding Officer
Baseball Coordinator For Reenactor Baseball Game

Charlie Moore

Charlie started doing living history back in 1986, doing Civil War, later starting portraying U S, 19th infantry for War of 1812. In 2009 my friends asked me to join a new WWII unit they were starting. The 5th Rangers D company. He has always had a love for history and learning not only about the battles but the lives of the men and women of each time period. I take that knowledge and pass it on to the generations after. Charlie has attended D Day since 2009, and runs the Allied baseball game. He does Safety for both the Airborne battles and the Beach Landings. Since 2021, he has been the Commander of the Provisional Ranger Landing Team.

James Pereira1st ID Landing Team Commanding Officer

James Pereira

LT. Colonel Jim Pereira once again leads the prestigious 1st Division for the second straight year. He has now served the Big Red One's command staff for the last 5, DDay Ohio events. A long time reenactor, Jim is the commander of the famous 26th Infantry Division, Yankee Division. The 125 member organization, is the largest allied unit in New England. Jim is 30+ year high school teacher. Jim and his wife, Chrisy reside in Somerset, Massachusetts.

Michael Thomas4th Division Landing Team Commander

Michael Thomas

A longtime history enthusiast and Northeast Ohio native, Michael had been attending D-Day Conneaut years before he was old enough to jump off a landing craft in 2009. As the commander of the 4th Engineer Combat Battalion (reenacted), Michael is proud to represent the 4th Infantry Division at the event each year. In addition to attending various WWII reenactments throughout the year, he enjoys spending time at the National Archives, bringing to light the 4th Division's wartime achievements.

Gregory StapletonCaptain 29th DIV, 115th Regiment (US Command Staff)
29th ID Landing Team Commanding Officer
(Even number Years)

Gregory Stapleton

Point of Contact for all 29th attending.

Tom ShifferLiving History Units Coordinator

Tom Shiffer

Tom Schiffer re-joins the D-Day Ohio team again this year as the Replacement Battalion Commander. Tom is a four year Active Duty Army Veteran, and has been re-enacting WWII for almost 20 years. Tom has been doing living history since age 4 or 5 with his parents in the Kentucky Corps of Long-Riflemen. These days Tom's usual impression is that of an Infantry Line Company on the Italian Front. This is to honor his great uncle, John F. Schiffer, who in 1942 was drafted at age 39, and made the landing at Salerno, Italy with the 36th Infantry Division. Tom also has a more direct connection to Northern European Theatre as his wife's uncle, Stanley Isaacs, was a paratrooper with the 17th Airborne Division. For D-Day Ohio Tom puts on a First Army Patch, assuming command of the Replacement Battalion. He has designated it the 191st Ordnance Battalion in honor of the thousands of non-divisional support troops who worked long hours under less than ideal conditions keeping the fighting men fed, equipped and supplied with ammunition. In addition to his duties as a commander, Tom also serves as the Mess Officer, coordinating the efforts of the cooks in the allied mess. When not reenacting, Tom works as a machinist, and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Army Air Corp

David SajbenDave Sajben

Dave is a veteran social studies teacher living in Charlotte North Carolina. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Army. Dave serves as the educational officer for the board of directors for the All Americans based in Charlotte. He is passionate about history education and outreach. His research and impression interests vary, but he often finds himself focusing on the Mediterranean Theater of Operation. He feels that the heroes of WWII aviation are not just those who climbed in the cockpit, but labored tirelessly on the ground at home and abroad to bring our air power to the enemy. You can find him in the Army Air Corp camp happily giving a briefing or going over a duty roster.

Terry SellAllied Provost Marshal

Terry Stell

Employed as a Safety Supervisor with the Westmoreland County Transit Authority in Pennsylvania. Although never having served in the military, Terry has been in the fire service for over 36 years, and a chief for 12, currently chaplain. His father was in the U.S. Navy in WWII, serving aboard the USS Arkansas (BB33) and the USS Schmidt (DE676). As a young boy listening to his father’s stories, his interest for WWII history was sparked. With Conneaut as his family’s yearly vacation retreat, he had attended D-Day for several years as a civilian before being encouraged to join as a living historian in 2014. He chose to do the MP impression because it closely resembles the chain of command in the fire service and

Dave DolezalProvost Marshal Staff Sergeant

Dave Dolezal

Retired from Ford after 30 years. Worked in Law Enforcement for over 30 years, still serving. 7 years as a SWAT officer. 25 years as a OPOTA certified firearm instructor and range officer. 35 years as a US 1st ID/ German 9th SS Re-enactor. Married 38 years in May, 2 adult boys, 3 grand children. I am an avid shooter and collector of firearms. Other passions Jeeps of all kinds; I own 3.

Hannah PatalonAllied Female Coordinator

Hannah Patalon-Schulze

Hannah has been Reenacting for many years and has an immense passion for veterans and their stories. She has made it a priority to publish detailed women’s impressions so others can learn about the adverse societal expectations these women overcame. I’m doing so, Hannah had the wonderful opportunity to work with the U.S Army in creating a program on the WAC in WWII. Additionally, she has a deep interest in traveling to the original battle sites and has visited Normandy, France as well as Pearl Harbor.

John UhlerAllied Chaplain Coordinator

John Uhler

John is a bi-vocational ordained minister and alarm technician who is also an endorsed chaplain in the area of living history and serves at numerous living history events in the Northeast. With a love for WWII history and ministry, chaplaincy is a natural way for him to bring the two passions together. John will be coordinating chaplains for various services throughout the event. Our chaplains are here to serve.

Lee AdamsAllied D-day Conneaut Naval Flotilla

Lee Adams

Lee has been attending DDay Conneaut since 2009. His family has a great appreciation for historic military vehicles and WWII naval amphibious operations. Safely and efficiently partnering watercraft and naval personnel with beach assaults and the public is his contribution to a successful DDay reenactment. Working with fantastic and dedicated boat crews, beach personnel, and support staff for these goals makes this responsibility a pleasure. If it happens at DDay Conneaut between the dockside and the beach, that's where his team can help to keep history alive.

Commonwealth Event Staff

Daniel CopelandCommonwealth Company Commander

Major Daniel Copeland, Queens Own Rifles of Canada

Major Dan Copeland has been involved in living history/re-enacting since 1983 in various time periods and has supported D-Day Conneaut since 2012. For D-Day he portrays a Canadian officer, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada. The Queen's Own Rifles was part of the 8th Infantry Brigade of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. As the officer commanding the Commonwealth Company, Dan has elements of British, Canadian, Polish and all other British Crown dependent/supplied nations under his command.

Dan assumed command of the company when Lt. Col. John Harris, the long standing company commander moved up to his staff officers position. Dan is actively involved in the Museum of Applied Military History in periods from 1776 to WW2. The primary goal of the Museum of Applied Military History is the Preservation and Demonstration of Canadian Military History.

William MacMullenCommonwealth Beachmaster

CDR William M. MacMullen, Royal Navy Comando 4

CDR William M. MacMullen, Royal Navy Comando 4, has been a WW2 reenactor for 14 years, prior to 11 years in US Civil War Reenacting. He specializes in early war Philippines US Army and Bataan & Corregidor. He also reenacts with Commonwealth/British Forces as a Royal Navy Commander who is Commando Beachmaster, coordinating the landing craft and movement on the beach landing sites. He has served as Commonwealth Beachmaster for 6 years. He served as a C.O. of the heavy cruiser USS Salem (CA - 139), and was Executive Director of the United States Naval Sipbuilding Museum in Massachusetts. He is a member of the Veterans Commission in Hamden CT and served as a Commissioner for the United States World War One Centennial Commemoration in Hamden and New Haven Connecticut.

Matthew Noel7 (Canadian) Platoon

Lieutenant Matthew Noel

Lieutenant Matthew Noel has been an active member of the living history community since 1992 (US Civil War, Rev War, WWII) and has specialized in representing the Canadian soldier c. 1939-45 since 1997. Matthew is the Deputy-Director of the Museum of Applied Military History and a founding member of the Canadian Army Overseas Living History Association. Between events he can usually be found reproducing period paperwork, labels and insignia or organizing the next event.

Stephen Keller1st Battalion, Hampshire Reg't 50th Division

Lieutenant Stephen Keller

Lieutenant Stephen Keller has been involved in WW2 re-enacting since 1989. For D-Day, Stephen will be portraying a Platoon commander (LT) of the 1st Battalion, Hampshire Regt. 50th DIV. He is the returning British platoon commander from last year.

Graham HumphreyCommonwealth Sergeant Major

Graham Humphrey

Commonwealth Sergeant Major Graham Humphrey has over 8 years of Re-enacting experience in various time periods. For D-Day Conneaut he portrays The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada - Toronto Ontario, 8th Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division.

Graham RobertsonCommonwealth Company Quarter Master

Graham Robertson

Commonwealth Company Quarter Master Graham Robertson has over 11 years of Re-enacting experience from various time periods. For D-Day he portrays The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada - Toronto Ontario, 8th Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division. Graham is currently the Staff Sergeant of the First Special Service Force Living History Group, Ontario Section. "Das Dicke Ende Kommt Noch"

German Event Staff

Jonathan AllisonGerman Event Staff Chief of Staff

Jonathan Allison

With over 35 years in the reenacting hobby Jon brings his passion for living history and especially WW2 German Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine into every event he participates in. Not only is he a unit commander but he has also hosted Tactical events sin North and South Carolina. This will be his second year assisting on the staff for Dday Ohio and he says he can think of no better way to spend his vacation then amongst the Veterans, Spectators and the members of his "second family" at D-Day Conneaut. Additionally, he is also a U.S. Marine Cops Veteran.

Kyle DorethyGerman Beach Defense Coordinator

Kyle Dorethy

Kyle grew up in Peoria Illinois. He has been attending D-Day Ohio for since 2015. He has been reenacting since 2007 from anything from Elizabethan Renaissance to WW2. Kyle is also a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

Dan BeardenRegimental/Overall German Commander

Dan Bearden

A native of Atlanta, Dan is a military historian and WW2 reenactor who has been a German reenactor for over eighteen years. Primarily reenacting in the east coast region, he has commanded one of the oldest units in the US for over thirteen years. He is not only a student of history but is also an avid WW2 militaria collector of all major powers of the war. He has consulted for museums, movies and documentaries on WW2 related topics, focused most specifically German officers.

Mike LandreeGerman Regimental Chief of Staff

Mike Landree

Mike Landree is a retired Marine LtCol artillery officer with combat tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo. He has been reenacting multiple time periods for 38 years and WWII for the past 24 years. Mike is the Kompaniechef of IR208, a staff officer in IR134, the chief of staff for Der Regimentsstab, and the Kommandeur of the Kreigsschule. He also serves as the Central Powers Combat Commander for the Great War Association in Newville, PA as well as other leadership positions in other time periods.

Bob KasickiGerman Regimental Supply & Logistics Officer

Bob Kasicki

Robert Kasicki served in the United States Navy aboard submarine(SSBN642) in missile division of the weapons department. Upon leaving that assignment he was station ashore and taught submarine Commanding officers, Executive officers and Weapons officers the Trident weapons systems operation. He has been re-enacting Civil war time period as an artillery officer for 35 of 40 years total. A member and instructor for the (NCWAA) National Civil War Artillery Association in Florida. Also serving as a safety officer during events.

During that same time period Robert has also participated in WWII re-enacting for the last 21 years. He has had officer leadership and staff positions within his unit, the 5th kompanie grossdeutschland. Also had held staff positions while attached to 7th kompanie grossdeutschland during many national events.

John SullivanGerman Regimental Communications Officer

John Sullivan

(Photo and bio to follow)

Richard MoranGerman Regimental Engineer Officer

Richard Moran

Rich has been involved in WW2 reenacting for over 20 years with 13 years experience at as unit commander. During this time has has had a large presence at the Battle of the Bulge reenactment at Fort Indiantown Gap as a German Battalion Commander (7 years) and as a member of the Board of Trustees. As a life long Historian, Rich has encountered many Veterns of all sides of this conflict and has learned many first hand accounts from these men where he incorporates it into his unit's training and philosophy. When Rich isn't working within the hobby, he is a business owner and loves to travel, and is a big football fan.

Kurt HilberthHeer Battalion Commander

Kurt Lilberth / Graf Kurt von Dornburg

Hauptmann von Dornburg has been reenacting WWII for approximately 20 years. He has a dual membership in 5te Kompanie GrossDeutschland and 4te Kompanie Hoch und Deutschmeister. He has had the opportunity to attend several Treffen, annual reunion of veterans of the Grossdeutschland Unit in Munster, Germany. His unit has an Sd.Kfz 222, Kubelwagon, KdF 82 E, BMW R-71, and a 42 Ford truck When not reenacting he practices law in South Florida.

Drew MaynardWafeen SS Battalion Commander

Drew Maynard

Bio to follow

Thomas HaynesLuftwaffe Battalion Commander

Thomas Haynes

Bio to follow.

Josh Chase Medical and Safety Officer

Josh Chase

Josh has been reenacting since 2017 assisting various staffs with medical coordination. He is a Navy veteran and has worked in EMS since 2013 as a career firefighter/medic and flight medic. He is currently a contract medic, working in remote/austere areas and disaster zones. He has family in France and tries to visit the Normandy Beaches often.

Dan GreenGerman Vehicle Coordinator

Dan Green

Bio to follow


Rick DeckerFJ - Battalion Commander

Rob Decker

Bio to follow


French Resistance Event Staff

Cory HullFrench Resistance Unit Leader

Cory Hull

Resident of Fremont Ohio, I've been attending Dday Ohio from 2003 onwards and haven't missed a year since. Interacting with all the reenactors over the years helped me take the plunge into reenacting in 2012. My first year as French Resistance in 2014 has culminated in building wonderful friendships with reenacting colleagues, as well as broaden my understanding the hardships everyday civilians dealt with under oppressive Nazi rule. Spectators and other reenactors know me for my dynamite bundles and crudely erected camp structures.

Dane KirkSquad Leader

Dane Kirk

From Columbus Ohio, my first venture into reenacting was D-Day Conneaut, 2011, and I have participated as a resistance fighter in the French Maquis every year since. Over the years of researching and presenting this impression, I have been inspired by the large degree of nuance in the stories and experiences of people living under occupation in Europe during the war. It is this complex history that I try to bring to my impression and present to the public, in order to dispel myths and encourage the public to consider the human experience of ordinary civilians who lived through such a dehumanizing point in our history.

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